5 Tips for Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

We’re only a few days into the new year, but we know setting and keeping resolutions can be hard. If you find yourself losing that “new year, new me” feeling already, follow these tips to help you stick to reaching your healthy goals in 2022.

Set Realistic Resolutions

Evaluate your goals and make sure they are realistic. If you have a big goal, like losing 50 pounds, break it up into smaller ones, like losing 10 pounds, to help you stay on track. Extreme resolutions are more likely to end in frustration and failure than long-lasting changes.

Make a Plan

Planning is the key to achieving success with your resolutions. Write down your goals, then think about the obstacles you may face along the way. Create a plan for overcoming them, and come back to your plan when the going gets tough. This will keep you on track and focused on the steps you need to take to make your goals a reality.

Be Accountable

Accountability keeps us on our toes. Ask a good friend to be a “check-in buddy,” and communicate your goals and progress. Talking about your goals and where you’re at with them is a solid way to avoid straying from your commitments.

Celebrate Successes

Another benefit of breaking down big resolutions into smaller goals is that you have more opportunities to see success and celebrate it. Pat yourself on the back and indulge in healthy rewards as you tackle one milestone after another. This extra dose of motivation can help you feel accomplished and energize you to keep going.

Make Health a Priority

No matter your resolutions for 2022, you can’t keep them if your health and well-being is not a focus. When you’re healthy, you’re better able to fight off illness, recover from injuries and focus on making positive changes. Make health a priority this year by scheduling regular chiropractic care. That’s one resolution that’s easy to keep with our walk-in appointments and convenient hours six days a week! Give us a call today at 360-573-5500 to make an appointment.

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