In pain? Our chiropractors in vancouver WA can help!
Our knowledgeable and skillful chiropractors in Vancouver WA are experienced in all aspects of medical and injury-related claims. We are experts at treating and managing different conditions from simple neck pains to complications from road accidents. Our specialists will help identify problems with your neuromusculoskeletal system using different assessment methods and recommend an appropriate chiropractic treatment plan as well as rehabilitative and therapeutic activities that will enhance your quality of life.

Accidents & INJURIES
Auto accidents / Sports injuries / Work injuries

Arthritis / Numbness in legs and arms / Painful joints / Carpal Tunnel Syndrome / Fibromyalgia / Sciatica / TMJ / Tennis elbow

Pediatric conditions / Spinal trauma / Disease prevention

Back & Spine
Lower back pain / Disc problems / Pinched nerves / Slipped discs

Neck pain / Elbow pain / Rib pain / Headaches / Hip pain / Jaw pain / Knee pain / Shoulder pain

Foot Issues
Ankle sprain / Plantar Fasciitis / Foot pain / Heel pain