Back pain is a serious issue in the United States. In fact, it costs us over $90 billion a year and affects at least 60 million Americans a year. If you are one of those suffering, we are here to help! These simple, drug-free ways to improve your back pain are effective and highly recommended by our chiropractors here at Forgey Chiropractic.
See Vancouver WA Chiropractors regularly.
Chiropractic care is an effective treatment for back pain caused by a host of issues. Gentle and non-invasive adjustments can help restore structure and function without the harmful risks of drugs or surgery. Need to schedule an appointment? Contact us today!
Improve your core strength.
A strong core is essential to preventing back injuries and reducing the ones you already have. Build your core doing bodyweight exercises, lifting and pilates to reduce the amount of strain on your lower back.
Ditch the back brace.
A back brace can be a great temporary tool for easing back pain, but it should remain temporary. Depending on it for support can weaken your core muscles and increase your risk of strain and injury. Instead of using it as a crutch, focus on discovering the root of the issue and building your core strength.
Work on your posture.
Good posture makes you look more attractive and confident, but it also helps maintain the spine’s proper alignment, reduces the risk of muscle strain and limits the stress on your ligaments. It even conserves energy! Talk to us about exercises you can do to improve your posture.
Use ice.
This old-fashioned remedy is tried and true! Use ice to reduce swelling following an injury and until major pain subsides.
Improve your flexibility.
Release stress and tension by stretching your major muscle groups daily. Don’t overdo it, and gradually work your way up to longer, more difficult stretches.
Get a good night’s rest.
Choose a mattress that offers uniform support to your whole body without being too soft or too firm. Select a pillow that holds your spine in a neutral position and is firm enough to fill the space between the mattress and your ear. Sleep on your back to relieve pressure from your spine.