Improving Balance and Coordination with Chiropractic

If your balance and coordination feel “off,” your spinal health could be to blame. Changes in both often come on slowly, and you may not notice these subtle changes at first. However, as time goes on, you may find it difficult to ignore balance and coordination issues. Luckily, our chiropractic treatments can help!

Balance, Coordination and the Brain

Our spines play a vital role in transmitting messages between the brain and the rest of the body. When subluxations are present in the spine, these transmissions can be interrupted, causing delayed messages between the brain and the body’s systems. This includes those that regulate balance and coordination. When the spine is misaligned, you may feel weak or dizzy or even struggle to move properly.

Chiropractic Care to Improve Coordination and Balance

Our bodies are like cars — they require routine maintenance to stay in peak condition. Our musculoskeletal systems are the same, and our chiropractic treatments are the routine maintenance that keep you in peak health. If you are experiencing issues with balance and coordination, our treatments can realign your spine and improve posture to decrease the risk of falls, weakness, dizziness and other symptoms.

Schedule Your Visit Today

Don’t let balance and coordination issues get in the way of living life to the fullest. We offer same-day and walk-in appointments at Forgey Chiropractic, and we are open 6 days a week for your convenience. Please give us a call at 360-573-5500 to schedule your appointment!

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