Headaches and Chiropractic: Effective, Natural Treatment

If you suffer from headaches, you aren’t alone: nearly 90% of people in the United States experience headaches. While some are occasional and dull, others can be frequent, throbbing and even debilitating. For too many people, the response to a headache is to carry on through the pain, lay down or take an over-the-counter medication and hope it goes away. Fortunately, there’s a better, safer and more effective treatment alternative.

Spinal manipulation, one of the primary treatments we offer here at Forgey Chiropractic, can be an effective treatment for headaches, including tension headaches. In 2011, a study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics concluded that chiropractic interventions improved both migraines and cerviogenic headaches.

Causes of Headaches

Headaches can be triggered by many things, including environmental stimuli like noises, stress or lights. Certain foods can also cause headaches, and behaviors like excessive exercise or lack of sleep can trigger them as well.

The vast majority of headaches are not caused by disease. For these headaches, like migraines, cluster headaches or tension headaches, the greatest trigger is muscle tension in the neck. It’s no wonder these types of headaches are so common, considering most Americans lead sedentary lifestyles and spend long hours sitting at a desk or with their heads tilted down looking at phones. This lifestyle can cause muscle tension and joint irritation that leads to headaches.

At-Home Treatments for Headaches

There are a number of steps you can take at home to prevent headaches. If you send a lot of time sitting in one position (like at a desk for work), take frequent breaks to move around and stretch. To get in the habit, set an alarm to remind you to move every 30 minutes to one hour.

Exercise is important for not just preventing headaches, but for increasing your overall health and well-being. Low-impact exercises like light aerobics or walking can get your blood flowing, release tension and prevent headaches.

Dehydration is another leading cause of headaches, so make sure you drink water throughout the day. Follow these tips to stay hydrated!

What Can Our Chiropractors Do?

Our female chiropractor in Vancouver, Dr. Haley, specializes in treating headaches and migraines. She can perform chiropractic adjustments or spinal manipulations to improve spinal function and alleviate stress on your system, plus recommend changes in your diet or lifestyle that can prevent headaches.

Dr. Haley has personal experience with migraines — she’s had them since high school. At the time, her older sister was going through chiropractic school herself and would practice on Dr. Haley. She adjusted her when she had a migraine and it went away. For Dr. Haley, that was a lightbulb moment and she knew she wanted to be a chiropractor to help others too.

If you are suffering from headaches or migraines, Dr. Haley can help! Give us a call today at 360-573-5500 to schedule your appointment. We are conveniently open 6 days a week and offer same-day appointments as well. Don’t wait to seek treatment — we can help reduce headache pain and increase your overall well-being.

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