When to See an Emergency Chiropractor in Vancouver WA

If you’re suffering from a chiropractic emergency, timing is essential. The sooner our team can evaluate and begin treatment, the better the outcome. If you experience any of the following traumas, injuries or accidents, make sure our emergency chiropractor in Vancouver WA is one of your first phone calls!

When should I see an emergency chiropractor in Vancouver WA?

Emergency care is recommended after certain types of injuries and accidents, including the following:

Auto accidents: See emergency chiropractic care within 24 hours after being in a car accident. We can evaluate your condition, create a treatment plan and provide proper documentation for your insurance.

Sports injuries: Without prompt treatment, sports injuries can cause long-term problems. We’ll check you for spine and neck trauma while beginning a treatment plan that can reduce the risk of future issues.

Slip-and-fall accidents: Your neck and spine often take the brunt of fall impacts. If you’ve fallen, call our emergency chiropractors for an evaluation and to begin the healing process.

Acute back or neck pain: An evaluation by one of our chiropractors is vital if you experience sudden pain in your neck or back that has no obvious cause. We consider this a chiropractic emergency because it may indicate disc damage, which, left untreated, can cause lasting problems.

The Importance of Emergency Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is a first-line defense against worsening injuries and long-term health impacts following a traumatic or sudden event. Our diagnostic tools and comprehensive evaluations can reduce your risk of suffering long-term damages caused by soft-tissue injuries, pinched nerves, joint damage or other problems. For many of these issues, prompt care can also improve your recovery experience and reduce the length of time it takes to restore your overall health, flexibility and strength.

An Individualized Approach to Emergency Chiropractic

We provide individualized evaluations and treatments to all of our patients. Every emergency, accident and injury is unique, and we create customized treatment plans that will result in the best possible resolution.

After performing an initial evaluation, we will focus on treating the immediate symptoms you are experiencing. The next phase of treatment may focus on regaining proper functioning and range of motion, followed by a period of corrective care with the goal of strengthening soft tissue, achieving proper alignment of the spine and stabilizing your body. Finally, we may recommend treatments to maintain your spinal function or lifestyle changes that improve overall health.

From the first moments following your accident, fall or injury to recovery and beyond, the team at Forgey Chiropractic is dedicated to addressing all your pain and wellness needs.

Emergency Chiropractic in Vancouver WA Open on Saturdays

Forgey Chiropractic is open six days a week for your convenience. We also offer walk-in appointments, and you may schedule an appointment at any time using our 24-hour answering service at 360-573-5500. If you’ve been in an accident or suffered a fall or other injury, please don’t hesitate to contact us for emergency treatment!

Forgey Chiropractic in Vancouver WA

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