Dealing with Tension Headaches? Chiropractic Can Help!

Headaches are one of the most common health issues in America today, affecting as many as 78% of us. If the stress of coping with the coronavirus pandemic, the uncertainty of the future and just daily life is causing headaches, they are likely what we call “tension headaches.”

What are tension headaches?

If you’ve ever had a dull aching or tightness in the back of your head or the forehead, you’ve probably had a tension headache. Some people describe the sensation as feeling like their heads are in a vise-grip. They typically begin in the afternoon, and the onset is gradual. Approximately 80% of all adults have experienced tension headaches, often during periods of stress or after a long day at the office.

What are other symptoms of tension headaches?

While aching and tightness are the primary symptoms, tension headaches can also cause muscle aches, difficulty focusing, trouble sleeping, fatigue, irritability and an overall feeling of sluggishness. We know many of you are probably reading that list during this stressful time and commiserating! The good news is that yes, chiropractic can help!

Chiropractic and tension headaches

Remember that chiropractic adjustments facilitate optimal function of the nervous system and improve spinal motion. When you get regular adjustments from our chiropractors in Vancouver WA, your body is better able to achieve optimal health.

Headaches are a neurological disorder, and chiropractic adjustments promote communication and functioning of the nervous system. This better equips your body to deal with any neurological issues, including headaches.

Increased tension may cause or exacerbate tension headaches. Regular adjustments can help the spine move better and release tension in the muscles surrounding the skull and the spine.

If you’re experiencing headaches during this challenging time, see our chiropractors in Vancouver WA today to find relief. Give us a call at 360.573.5500 to schedule your appointment!

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