Chiropractic Care for Flexibility

As we age, losing some of our natural flexibility is normal. As the years tick by, you may find yourself feeling a bit stiffer and finding it a bit tougher to move like you used to. Improving your flexibility can improve your quality of life and your overall health. Follow these tips to increase your range of motion.

Stretch Regularly

Incorporate a stretching routine into your daily schedule to keep tendons tension free, increase flexibility in your joints and keep your muscles loose. Spend five minutes in the morning gently stretching and do another fast round before bed. This will slowly increase your range of motion and flexibility over time.

Exercise Regularly

Exercising on a regular basis has so many great effects on health, including increasing your flexibility and range of motion. Get moving every day to make your body healthier and stronger. Whether you walk, hike, bike, run, swim, do cardio, yoga or something else, the important thing is to make time for exercise every day. Every little bit helps, so set small goals and find a routine you enjoy. Your joints and muscles will thank you!

See Our Chiropractors Regularly

One of the best ways to improve or maintain your range of motion is to see our chiropractors regularly. We align your spine for the benefit of your whole body. The result? Increased flexibility, reduced pain and more. We offer same-day appointments for your convenience. Stop in today to protect your spine and increase flexibility, no matter your age.

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